Table Ordering


Implementing table ordering systems can help improve efficiency. This frees up staff to focus on other important tasks, enhancing overall customer service.

Contactless Dine-in Ordering Is Here to Stay

Generate your own QR code menu that your customers can scan to order within seconds of being seated.

A no-touch digital menu is a no-brainer in this technology-reliant world. Let’s bring this innovation to their table.

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Serve More Customers, Faster

A contactless menu ensures faster table turnover, without sacrificing customer experience.

With order-taking out of their minds, your waiters can now focus on serving food and bussing tables for the next party.

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How Customers Experience Contactless Dine-in Ordering

As soon as they get seated, people can scan the QR code to order food.

Scanning the code will instantly open the food menu with dine-in ordering already pre-selected.

All that’s left is to decide what they want to eat and fill in some info like the table number. It’s that easy!

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Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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