Website with Ordering System & Delivery Management



Allow your customers to find and order from you online, saving on third-party commissions. Boost your profits with us!

Customer Retention

Increased Customer Engagement: Allowing customers to order directly through your website encourages them to interact with your brand more frequently. This can create a stronger connection and increase their loyalty to your business.

Increase Profits

This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click and start typing. Once you've added your content, you can customize its design by using different colors, fonts, font sizes and bullets. Just highlight the words you want to design and choose from the various options in the text editing bar.

Flexible Rewards

Choose how you reward your customers for their loyalty.

  • Offer multiple rewards
  • Encourage usage with bonus rewards on first order..
  • Utilise rewards within Customer Services

All automatically applied and integrated with your online ordering system.

Revolutionise Your Business with a Direct Ordering System: Say Goodbye to the Middleman

Revolutionise Your Business with a Direct Ordering System: Say Goodbye to the Middleman

Customer Retention

Increased Customer Engagement: Allowing customers to order directly through your website encourages them to interact with your brand more frequently. This can create a stronger connection and increase their loyalty to your business.

Increase Profits

This is the text area for this paragraph. To change it, simply click and start typing. Once you've added your content, you can customize its design by using different colors, fonts, font sizes and bullets. Just highlight the words you want to design and choose from the various options in the text editing bar.

Flexible Rewards

Choose how you reward your customers for their loyalty.

  • Offer multiple rewards
  • Encourage usage with bonus rewards on first order..
  • Utilise rewards within Customer Services

All automatically applied and integrated with your online ordering system.

Let Swishr Handle It

Let Swishr Handle It

Attractive Website with Online Order System

 Having a custom-designed and developed website that is fully integrated with your delivery platform can significantly streamline your order process. This seamless integration ensures that orders are received promptly and accurately, reducing the risk of errors and minimizing the time and effort required for delivery management. This level of automation can help alleviate stress associated with order processing and logistics, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business with confidence.

Social Media Marketplace Integrations

Social media marketplace integrations offer a seamless way for businesses to expand their reach. By connecting their e-commerce platforms directly to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, companies can tap into a vast audience of potential customers. This integration simplifies the shopping experience for users, as they can browse products and make purchases without leaving their favorite social media apps.

Complete Live Support

Offering live support for online orders is a valuable service that can greatly reduce the stress of managing in-store operations. Real-time assistance can address customer inquiries promptly, ensuring smooth transactions and enhancing the overall shopping experience. This level of support not only boosts customer satisfaction but also helps streamline the order fulfilment process, leading to increased efficiency and reduced errors.

Attractive Website with Online Order System

 Having a custom-designed and developed website that is fully integrated with your delivery platform can significantly streamline your order process. This seamless integration ensures that orders are received promptly and accurately, reducing the risk of errors and minimizing the time and effort required for delivery management. This level of automation can help alleviate stress associated with order processing and logistics, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business with confidence.

Social Media Marketplace Integrations

Social media marketplace integrations offer a seamless way for businesses to expand their reach. By connecting their e-commerce platforms directly to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, companies can tap into a vast audience of potential customers. This integration simplifies the shopping experience for users, as they can browse products and make purchases without leaving their favorite social media apps.

Complete Live Support

Offering live support for online orders is a valuable service that can greatly reduce the stress of managing in-store operations. Real-time assistance can address customer inquiries promptly, ensuring smooth transactions and enhancing the overall shopping experience. This level of support not only boosts customer satisfaction but also helps streamline the order fulfilment process, leading to increased efficiency and reduced errors.

Seamless Menu Updates

 Seamless menu updates allow businesses to quickly adapt to changing trends. This can include adding seasonal items or adjusting prices to stay competitive. By easily updating menus, business can keep customers interested and satisfied.

Integrated Online Payments

Integrated online payments streamline the checkout process for customers. This convenience can boost conversion rates as it reduces the steps needed to complete a purchase. Additionally, having payments integrated into the website can help build trust with customers. It shows professionalism and a commitment to offering a seamless shopping experience.

Tracked Delivery Management

Tracked delivery provides customers with real-time updates on the location and status of their package. This transparency helps reduce anxiety about the delivery process.

Seamless Menu Updates

 Seamless menu updates allow businesses to quickly adapt to changing trends. This can include adding seasonal items or adjusting prices to stay competitive. By easily updating menus, business can keep customers interested and satisfied.

Integrated Online Payments

Integrated online payments streamline the checkout process for customers. This convenience can boost conversion rates as it reduces the steps needed to complete a purchase. Additionally, having payments integrated into the website can help build trust with customers. It shows professionalism and a commitment to offering a seamless shopping experience.

Tracked Delivery Management

Tracked delivery provides customers with real-time updates on the location and status of their package. This transparency helps reduce anxiety about the delivery process.

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We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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